
User Interface design

3Dentify project:

As part of my emerging technology module on the UX and applied innovation course, we were tasked with implementing an emerging tech into an existing product. I immediately had the idea of enhancing 2D composite sketches by adding in the 3D element. Along with a classmate, we created 3Dentify. 3Dentify is a software created for police forces and investigators to create realistic 3D models of suspects. 3Dentify makes creating a 3D model easy so that any police officer, no matter what level of design or tech, will be able to create a model. The main goals of 3Dentify is to make creating composites easier, quicker and better. We took this project through the entire design thinking process to gain a greater understanding of the users and the needs of the users as well as figuring out what other features this application must have. We created simple User persona’s to help us with this phase of the process.

We also created empathy maps and journey maps. Then we moved onto the flow of the app and the features it would have. From here we were able to create a brand identity for the overall application in which we looked at colouring, font, logo and language. All of this process was documented on our Miro board; https://miro.com/welcomeonboard/xHR4k80P14vXEjEns7sqqyTozBtfmoi7ZfQSJUJGYQ8wH0yFpnB8PPT5i3Lxu6hH

We used figma to create lo-fi wireframes of the prototype and from this we were able to add in the elements decided on in the brand identity. We were very happy with the result which can be viewed here; https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lP8iiyw=/?moveToWidget=3074457358218860662&cot=14

We also created a very simple design systme to document some of the main feautures in the app; https://zeroheight.com/0b5aa4e64/p/8632af-3dentify

After the app was completed, we then created a short presentation explaining the app which also includes a demo of the app in action which I animated. We also created a poster for the app. We were very happy with how it turned out and we both feel like it is a innovative idea.

The 3Dentify poster

Remodelling the Donegal County Council website:

As part of the User interface module at college, we had to pick a website in which we thought we could improve whilst also making it “less but better”. For this project, i picked the Donegal county council website. As opposed to other county councils website, i feel like Donegal’s isn’t as moden as the rest so therefore I decided to give it a makeover.

I took it through a very simple UX journey where i created user persona’s and journey maps to get an understanding of typical users. Then I moved onto the task flow and information architecture. I spent a lot of time on this aspect as there was a lot of repetitivness throughout the website. After this was done I was able to start ideating and create lo-fi wireframes of my proposed solution. Then I created a brand identityin which I looked at colours, typography, logo and imagery. I went for the colour red as the dominant colour throughout as this is what better goes with the logo. The logo for the Donegal county council is the counties coat of arms and therefore I didn’t want to change that so i thought I could design the website based on this. The entire process can be viewed here; https://miro.com/welcomeonboard/0ZW3tqNuWl3EzBt6dObII6rzsLD1gDWHJ8c6y1Z2K1RXJSiI4atemKJtyWK9RDyp

Using Figma I was able to create a high fidelity prototype of the website. This can be viewed here; https://www.figma.com/proto/4j6RAvtncGXrRlJI4nVabr/Donegal-county-council?node-id=140%3A262&viewport=-3489%2C226%2C0.23301313817501068&scaling=min-zoom

I also created a very simple design system; https://zeroheight.com/3ccf76083

I was very happy with the outcome of the website. I feel like i satisfied the brief and I did make it “less but better”

UX project – Lighten Up

Our project on MIRO

As part of the UX and applied innovation course we had a module on User experience. For this class we were tasked with choosing an oppurtunity or issue and applying the design thinking process and coming up with proposed solutions for this oppurtunity or issue. The oppurtunity that my team and I decided on was heavy schoolbags and how they effect school kids today.

We started by documenting how desirable, feasible and viable this oppurtunity was. From here we conducted user interviews. We interviewd parents, students and teachers to get a wide range of views and opinions on the topic. This gave us great insight into the issue and we were able to start affinity mapping some of the things that were brought up in the interviews. Then we were able to create user persona’s based off the information gathered from the interviews.

After we had created the persona’s, we made journey maps and empathy maps.

When we got a good understanding of the user, we were able to move onto the ideation phase. Here we decided to come up with three ideas each. Having come up with so many ideas, we decided to emply the design thinking method of “Yes…. and” where we take ideas and add some more on to see where it leads to. This really helped with the ideas and in the end we had combined a lot of different ideas to create a solution. We continued with defining the ideas and in the end we came to a solid solution.

Our solution was a universal system where each subject is weighed and timetable can be made from that. A system where the teacher can put in the books used for each class and the system calculates the weight of each subject. The system is then able to create a timetable which ensures that the student doesn’t carry a lot of books in the one day. The systme is then synced with the students schoolbag and if the bag has the incorrect books it notifies the students phone letting them know how to better organise their schoolbag. The bag would have built in chips in order to detect what books they7 have in which also sends the notification to the students phone.

After we had our idea, we moved onto prototyping the idea. We sketched out pictures of what this bag would look like and all the features that are included in this product. We named this project Lighten Up.

We also created some of the notification screens to show potential users how this prototype works.

After we had created the prototype, we went back to the people we had interviewed at the start and showed them the prototype and got some feedback. We got amazing feedback and they really liked the product we had created. They said we had definitely come up with a viable solution. We were very proud at the prototype we had created.

You can access the project on our Miro board through this link: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_kjEEOBM=/

Rainbow space unicorn:

Rainbow space unicorn is a project I done with a web developer. I designed the unicorn and the background and he coded it to make it fly. I really love how this project turned out.


Irish Tree Quiz:

I recently finished an app design for a web developer where I designed the web app for an Irish tree quiz. It was just a simple design with an image of the tree with four options. Once you click your answer, you have the option then to proceed to the next question or return to the previous one. At the top of the screen is the option to have the app in English or gaeilge.



User Personas

UX user personas:

As part of my UX module on my Masters course, My team and I were tasked with creating user personas based on an oppurtunity that we had collectively chosen. The opputunity that we decided on was the problem with heavy school bags for school students. In order to get a better understanding of the end user, we created two users persona’s. Our first persona was called Eoin and he was a secondary school student. The second persona we created was called Sara and she was a secondary school teacher. We based these two personas off the weeks of research we had done but also off of user interviews we had conducted where we each interviewd two people to get a better understanding of the problem. When creating these personas we wanted to have a very visual element to them so that you can get a feel for who these people are just from a quick glance. We also created more detailed user personas to make sure we had an indepth understadning of these people and their needs and goals.



The user persona we created called Eoin


The user persona we created called Sara

Spotify user personas:

As part of my Innovation and digital marketing modules on my Masters course, I had to critically analyse a website and recommend possible innovations that would improve the website. For my project, I chose to analyse Spotify. As part of the Innovation brief, I was tasked with developing a new product development (NPD) for the website. In order to create a NPD, I first had to create user personas in order to understand what typical Spotify users want out of an app like Spotify. For this project I created three user personas (below). My first user persona was Emily. She is a 32-year-old stay at home mom who listens to Spotify throughout her day, both in the car whilst driving and through her google nest at home. Emily loves sharing her latest favourite albums with her friends and Family.  Emily represents the casual Spotify listener. My second user persona was Conor. Conor is a 22-year-old student studying music production. Conor has always had a massive passion for music. Conor relies heavily on Spotify to keep up to date with the latest releases and he also shares a lot of music through other social media. And lastly, my third persona was Stephen. He is a 28-year-old software engineer who loves going to concerts with his friends. He loves sharing music with his friends and he loves people that have a similar music taste as him. 


Wendy and ted’s big adventures:

Here is my final year project for college titled “Wendy and Ted’s big adventures: The journey to the castle”. In this short animation, we see Wendy and her monster Friend, Ted, go on epic adventures together. In this episode, they must rescue the princess from the evil castle. Along the way they must overcome various obstacles, including swinging off branches, crawling through caves and climbing mountains. Will they reach the castle and rescue the princess or will their journey come to an abrupt end ?

Wendy and Ted’s big adventures: The journey to the castle.

The fairytale chase:

“A quiet night reading for Oliver soon turns into an epic chase to catch the character that is only ever real in his imagination”. The fairytale chase is the short 2D animated film that I created for my final year project in my 3rd year of college.

The Fairytale chase.

Animated music videos

I’m happy when I think about you- Music video:

My animated music video for the song Happy when I think about you by Paul Caldwell.

Happy when I think about you animated music video. Song by Paul Caldwell.

Animation showreels

Here are my animation showreels from 2018 to 2020. They include different projects that I have worked on throughout college.



Character Model sheets

Character Avatar
Character avatar of my Fiance

Wendy Model sheet
“Wendy and Ted’s big adventure: The journey to the castle 2020”

Ted Model sheet
“Wendy and Ted’s big adventure: The journey to the castle 2020”

Oliver Model sheet
“The Fairytale chase 2019”

“R” Model sheet

Extra bits

Guitar rotoscope animation.

Rotoscope project

3D planes animation loop.

3D planes animation

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